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review - Gladiator is a movie starring Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, and Connie Nielsen. A former Roman General sets out to exact vengeance against the corrupt emperor who murdered his family and sent him into slavery

Liked It - 1239152 votes

Cast - Connie Nielsen

year - 2000

directed by - Ridley Scott




Gladiator full movie utube. Love this movie Crowe and Phoenix scenes absolutely gripping everyone did their part with excellence they did ancient Roma proud. Gladiator and A Beautiful Mind were both movies where Russell looked his best and acted his best. Superb actor and the Oscar was well deserved. Looks fade but talent is permanent.

“SWORD, GIMME A SWORD! ”. Whew! This music get into me, It has that power to bring out deep emotions, I believe I play it over and over about 15 times. There was a dream that was Rome. As much as I love Time, I still think this is the single best piece composed by Zimmer. Hans Zimmer is a gift from God. Gladiator full movie 123movies. Gladiator full movie cuba gooding jr.

Gladiator full movie in hindi dubbed. I second that, in fact with respect to Hans and everyone involved, I will say it"s the greatest score ever written and the greatest movie ever made. The combination of the two dance with poetic algorithm unlike most. Would you Quintus? Would I? Gets me every time. Russel Crowe picked up an Oscar but Joaquin Phoenix is one of the best actors in Hollywood. My dad showed me this movie ( Troy) and I really liked it a lot. This was a triumphant film of character and the human spirit amidst treachery, with beautifully done filming and impressive acting. Crowe had an air of nobility that was impressive. I don"t see how some can HATE this film. It was well done, well protrayed and well acted. If anything it is guilty of over-exposure. Gladiator Full movie database.

Is there no one else. when you know you are badass and you want the world to know

That jump move is like his invincibility attack. I used to watch this movie with my parents on sunday when I was a kid, miss them both so much. RIP. Gladiator full movie online free.

This Soundtrack is legendary and I will never forget this breathtaking and moving movie

Gladiator full movie in youtube. Gladiator full movie watch online free in hindi. Good music makes us remind us of the fact that we all have a soul Makes us aware that human beings are capable of amazing feats Some music reminds us that humanity is very capable of terrible feats In recent times music has taken a terrible nose dive There are actually computer programmes nowadays that write modern-day so-called songs Modern music is designed, created and for the most part performed by computer software. Music is an absolute work of art and performed by artists. (sorry, I should have said good natural music is a work of art) Have ya ever noticed the fact that nowadays only the young generation, especially pre 16-year-old girls, are listening to it? Yes, we have all heard the cliche that every generation claims the modern era of music is not as good as the one they grew up with. But in actual fact, this is only true from the mid-90s onwards. After that and with the likes of Simon Cowell, The Voice, X-Factor, etc, etc ( which has actually created all the Christmas number one singles since it started donkeys of years ago. Some would say, what"s the harm in that? Well, the harm is the sad fact that real musical artists now have the attitude of, what the fcuk is the point in trying anymore To be successful in this field one has to be young good looking and sometimes good at singing or playing an instrument. The computer fills in the blanks, which is a crying shame. Oh, how I miss the stuff from the 60s,70s,80s and early 90s. Everyone should, at least once a day, every day take a moment and listen to five songs they like from that era. Can"t think of any? I often feel that way too. Just think of one and YouTube will suggest the rest It is a form of meditation and is very, very, very good for one"s soul and mental wellbeing. It is food for the heart What do we, the most intelligent species inhabiting this once great planet, do every evening to chill for a couple of hours after a hard days work? Well, first of all, we watch an hour of news consisting of massive amounts of negativity such as that day"s list of murders, rapes, floods, corrupt politicians, innocent victims of wars that our so-called leaders get a real kick out of, not to mention the paedophilia that the majority of politicians seem to partake in, day in and day out. Then we fill in the next couple of hours watching mind-numbing fictional soaps that are full of arguing, conflictual dysfunctional relationships, etc, etc, etc. All of which gets deep down into our subconscious mind and then, not unsurprisingly, in many cases manifests itself into reality. I could go on but I think ya all get the point I am trying to put out there. Surely us super intelligent and highly educated race of beings who call ourselves humanity can find a better way! I am sure that many of you good well-meaning folk reading this will understand but will revert back to these old ingrained habits but don"t forget. IT ONLY TAKES TWO Weeks, on average to BREAK A HABIT. Give it a go. You have nothing to lose but you have the potential to massively change your life and the lives of others around you in ways that you can only imagine. Go on, two weeks, it will be over in a blink. And don"t forget. take a few minutes and play five songs you like every day. You owe it to yourself. I started this with the intention of making a short comment on how music has evolved over the past few years and then I went away on one. But no matter and don"t forget, always use the sunscreen.

When I listen to this song I feel like a real Maximus Decimus Meridius, I feel like a real gladiator looking for revenge and I will have my revenge, in this life or the next. 2000 Maximus ! Maximus! now I"m waiting for the next Santa Claus movie????????. Gladiator full movie hd. Gladiator full movie in english russell crowe. Connie Nielson. May just have been The tall cool woman in a black dress Anyway. The BEST tree ripe peach to come along since Natalie Wood. ??. Gladiator full movie 1992. Gladiator full movie in telugu. Gladiator full movie download in hindi dubbed in 480p. Gladiator full movie in hindi free download.

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Best soundtrack. Hands down. Why was I expecting him to say my name Jeff. Gladiator full movie youtube. Gladiator full movie in hindi online. 1:30 Exactly as in 3:10 to Yuma. Gladiator full movie in hindi. Think"s a lot, very nice, I lot of like this film, bravo... Free my men. If this doesnt motivates you to be great something"s wrong. Gladiator full movie spanish. I"m a 29 year old British Man, sending my thoughts and prayers to my Italian brothers and sisters, your were gladiators and you still are men and women of honour. You will defeat this terrible infliction. Italy is strong, Italy is great, Italy is full of righteous Men and Women. You can do it. Gladiator full movie english.

Nielsen has held up very well!??

Love how ancient Germanic war chants sound exactly like Zulu war chants XD. I"ve got ocean wave ambiance playing and this. Actually seems like it complements the music. Gladiator full movie watch online. Gladiator full movie russell crowe 2000. I like the soundtrack the Gladiator. “This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.” – Rumi. Gladiator Full. Gladiator full movie english version.